Saturday, August 6, 2016

Shui Hu Zhuan Heroes

Male Heroes
Lu Da – The Tattooed Monk
Brash, impetuous, and now bald (trust me it gets mentioned a lot), the former Major was well known for his great strength, elaborate body tatoos and incredible temper. The latter is why he had to leave the army and became a fugitive from the law. Unfortunately, he was unable to escape quickly enough to avoid word spreading along his route. He was saved though by being introduced to a famous monastic order by a benefactor.
The abbot, despite initial misgiving, meditated and declared that Lu would be eventually reach the level of sainthood, and accepted and sheltered him. This only put a small damper on his reckless personality, and he eventually was strongly recommended to find a better place to continue his new direction in life.
Of course, sainthood can wait, as he has learned of a new opportunity to make a fortune off of a corrupt governor, but it's not a job for just one man, who can help?

Gongsun Sheng – The Dragon in the Clouds
They call him the “Pure Taoist”, one of the best students Luo the Sage has ever had, but he has no desire to stay put in his temple and study. The need to make a difference in the world at large yearns deep, after all hasn't he learned his magic from the best? His mother is the only thing stopping him from picking up and leaving, as she desires to have him stay close by and safe.
Things can change in an instant in this time of chaos, as a band yellow turbaned rebels attempt to seize the Prefecture. Gongsun shows great distinction in quelling the upstarts while leading local forces. Upon investigation of the incident, he discovers a link to a well disliked governor as well a chance to help recover the spoils from his corruption.
After overcoming the reluctance of his mother and teacher, he straps on his sword and travels south, towards a well known hero who may know how to solve these problems.

Wu Yong – The Wizard
The Jade Emperor's court has no time for mistakes, and Wu Yong was made an example of. He had spent his entire youth striving for this position and it was snatched away. Never mind that it was not his fault, but a superior's. That's how the government works, though, as he had learned first hand. Lucky to still have his life, he fled to a rural town and settled in expecting to embrace obscurity.
His nuturing kindness and obvious intellect and training attracted the notice of some wealthy patrons, and he was hired as tutor. He has now spent several years in his 'exile' while continuing to work on his magical attainment, as well making friends with many members of the nearby communities.
It was during a visit with one of his new acquiantances that they were informed of his former superior's corrupt enterprises, as well as a target that would hurt him dearly if taken.

Li Kui – The Black Whirlwind or Iron Ox
Iron Ox just wanted to bring his mother back to his new home, the tigers were unfortunate, the man pretending to be him was asking for it, and if you're hungry the meat's source doesn't matter.
He had to leave the area the first time because he killed a man in a quarrel, so he was a wanted man already and the Prefect doesn't seem to be a good mood. Even the hunters, who had been appointed to capture those same tigers, were angry. Why? Hadn't he saved them from further beatings? Well that doesn't matter anymore, as the pile of corpses continues to grow.
That thief though…. He had said something about money, and where to get a lot of it all at once… Iron Ox isn't good at plans though, someone will need to point him and his axes in the right direction.

Song Jiang – The Timely Rain
Noble and generous, he is constantly praised as like a Timely Rain to those in need. This can be both a blessing and curse. One recipient of his largesse was an older woman, who offered her daughter in marriage as token of gratitude. He accepts but doesn't feel much for his new wife, eventually leading to her having an affair. This drives them further apart, which further worsens when she discovers the letters.
Among his past friends was a former official named Zhu Wu who escaped from prosecution with assistance from Song Jiang. Song was never implicated and upon his escape, Zhu Wu joined a band of robbers, but would occasionally send gifts and letters to Song. Song's wife found them and attempted to blackmail him, but she pushed him too far and he accidentally killed her. He now chose to escape himself and was pursued into a village but hid in a temple.
The temple though was a portal to the realm of the Heavenly Queen, who recognized him as the  destined lord of the Stars and gave him 3 books that would tell him of his future. He leaves the realm and examines the first book, which points him in the direction of an old friend who will start him on his path.

Yan Qing – The Prodigy
Even from his youth, it was obvious he was a cut above everyone else. Wrestling, swimming and most especially singing and playing multiple intruments. Innocence couldn't last though as his parents died and he was left orphaned. He was rescued from the cold by the only person capable of molding his potential, the Jade Unicorn – Lu Junyi. Together they trained in all the martial arts with Yan becoming especially skilled at the shortbow. His respect and admiration for Lu grew and he pledged to help him for the rest of his days.
Power and talent can create envy, and people will scheme against those they despise. Lu's steward enacted one such plan, framing him for consorting with brigands while running him all over the countryside with the help of Lu's unfaithful wife. Yan Qing figures out the plan too late and is unable to keep Lu from being seized and jailed.
Fleeing those captors and barely escaping, he has no friends and no where to go except a single person that Lu had considered his greatest friend. Here's hoping he can help rescue him before it is too late.
Hua Rong – The Lesser Flying General
Pop! The arrow strikes true, but the arrow always strikes true when fired by Hua Rong. He can hit the tassle on door knob from a thousand steps, and is more than willing to demonstrate it. Greatly skilled in all martial weaponry, he has risen to the status of Commandant of Fort Clear Winds and was a kind and thoughtful commanding officer.
Unlike most forts though this one was ran by a civilian leader , named Liu Gao, who had been appointed by the governor. This had been done because it was an important gate into the suburbs around the Northern Capitol. Eventually though conflicts would arise, culminating in Liu Gao's wife accusing a cousin of Hua Rong's as a bandit and they seize him. This leads to actual warfare in the streets between the househol and the entire household of Liu Gao is destroyed. So Hua Rong has to flee with his retinue away from the city.
The question remains where to go to house his refugee band, he will have to travel south and see if an old friend may have room all of them.
Shi Qian - The Flea on a Drum
Sun is down, cleared the wall around the compound easily, and hide right under the eaves. The maid comes out to discard something, slip in the open door, disappear into the shadows, wait for them to go to sleep. Blow out the lamps, and up the stairs quietly. The target is in the bedroom, tied to the rafters.
Shimmy up and crawl across, start to untie. A NOISE! The lady of the house awakens, thinks it’s a rat, the thief improvises a couple of rats fighting. She goes back to sleep, he grabs the box and goes back the way he comes.
It’s large and conspicous, enough so that he doesn’t get far before authorities spot him. Forced to abandon it and flee for his life, now Shi Qian has to consider his choices. He still needs the money that job should have paid, maybe he should pursue that rumor about the Governor’s delivery. It will be heavily guarded though, he’ll need more help. Have to ask around for someone who may be willing to partner with him.
Female Heroes
Hu Sanniang - Ten Feet of Steel
Sometimes beauty can flourish in ways that you can not foresee, or so can be said about Hu Sanniang. Born an only child to the village chief, she grew up training in the martial arts instead of homemaking. Excelling on horseback, she would deploy her twin swords or use her crystal studded lariat to unseat her opponents.
Her skill could not save her village, though. The army passed through area and attempted to demand from them all of their goods, which the Chief refused. Angering the soldiers, they sacked the village killing most.
Hu Sanniang managed to flee with just a couple of worldly possessions. Her family is gone but she has to keep living, if only for revenge. Hopefully she can find shelter in the next Village she comes across.

Gu Dasao - Female Tiger
It’s her fiery temper that sets her apart, so much so even her husband is afraid of her. She doesn’t do household chores, she doesn’t like children, all she enjoys is training in weaponry as taught by her father. She used to go with him on hunting expeditions and knows how to track all the beast of the forest.

So when her cousins were arrested after being accused of stealing a tiger pelt, she set into motion the plan to free them both. Calling on all family ties, she sets up a ruse for the men escorting the prisoners, she breaks them out as the soldiers fall unconcious.