Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Alvin Whisperwind

The apocalypse has not been kind to the Elves, gone are their kingdoms, their lands, their forests. When the dead rose from their graves, many were killed, those that weren't fled. Right into whatever open arms were present.

So did Alvin's ancestors come to be under the powers of the Demonic Host.

Alvin was born into the craftsmen class, his parents eventually settling in a mining colony, not far from the Demon's main stronghold. Alvin, when not hauling ore or other manual labor, would spend his free time in his youth defending the colony from roving undead, taking potshots from the trees, then hiding or scampering away.

His martial potential came to the attention of a sergeant of the guard, who took him as a pupil and started training him with weaponry. Eventually leading to him accompanying the guards on missions outside of the settlement.

One such mission was a raid on small nest of zombie humanoids in the area, with Alvin accompanying in a support role. A quick strike wiped most of them out, but the noise of battle drew the attention of several zombie grizzly bears to the conflicting. The group moved to withdraw, but Alvin tripped on some tree roots and was quickly surrounded, which is when his magical abilities first manifested. Lights and sounds erupted all over the area, drawing attention away from the still youthful elf allowing for his escape.

The detachment had witnessed this event and duly reported back to their superiors upon return. The bureaucracy moved slowly but decisively to put Alvin into an academy to develop his abilities for the legions. His prior training in martial combat along with his relatively late start in magic pushed him toward a hybrid role.
Proving to be very bright, instructors tutored him in any subject he could master, developing a wide ranging set of skills. As well he proved to be physically weak, even though exceptionally agile.

After proving his mettle in many group excursions he was offered a position in the elite division of the army. Specifically a group strike force of professionals at the top of their craft, he was not ready for his initiation.

He would meet his new teammates prior to the secretive ceremony, initial appraisal seemed optimistic enough, but none were aware that they were going to be linked for life. While laying on the slab of marble listening to chants of the clerics as they connected his soul to the others, he wondered aloud if this was what life was really meant to be.

Murmured comments along those same lines from the others helped to comfort him in the ordeal, but struck a note with their new commanding officer. The captain, a high ranking warrior, would launch into a tirade of rebuke towards the groups attitude at every moment from then on. This is when Alvin first felt the emotions and presence of his new soul keepers, a deafening chorus of disdain and rebellion towards this man.

The group would embark on many missions for the enrichment of the city, and those in charge, namely the demons. Alvin would show deference and respect toward those arrivals from the other dimension, but held great disdain for the bureaucracy in which he was caught.

He would continue to work on his illusionist talents but felt that he was not assisting the team as much as he could. The opportunity arrived after defeating a coven of hags in a magical production facility of magically enslaved dwarves that they were tasked with scouting out. After exploration of the facility led to the realization that it was now under their control, the group set to looting the area. Alvin examined a small stone and found that he could not let go of it.

This stone weighed upon him, slowing him down and making him feel even weaker. Before leaving the facility word was passed back to them that the group was to stay put and guard the location. They lock down the entrance and settle in for awhile. With the wizard using her time to try and identify all their loot, and the others distracted with exploring or training, Alvin decided to use the break and the load that he carried to try and improve his physical health.

He carried around bags full of iron, worked on the treadmill with the enslaved dwarves and assisted in hammering out metal with the giant hammers they used to work. After being relieved of their guard duty, the group traveled back to their base in the city. Alvin would find a wizard to remove the stone and found that he was feeling stronger than before. Endeavoring to continue, Alvin would take every free moment possible to train and become stronger than he was before.